Submissions for the Quality Club Award for the 2023-2024 year are ready to be made.
The FJMC Quality Club Award is given each year to member clubs who meet established criteria. The Award was developed to encourage clubs to offer specific types of activities at the local, regional, and international level. The criteria may also be used as a blueprint for a club to follow in planning its yearly programming. The award plate (tag), to be added to your club’s plaque, is presented in even numbered years at a regional event and in odd numbered years at the FJMC International convention.
The Quality Club Award represents excellence and shows it to your club members and congregation; few clubs meet these high standards.
Award Criteria
Keep in mind that we want your Club to win! To qualify for the award, your club must satisfy all six (6) of the required elements, along with at least ten (10) of twenty (20) optional elements (including at least one from each category). Please note that being current with your membership lists and dues payments are essential requirements to achieve the award. Please see the Quality Club Award Criteria page for further details.
Application Deadline
The deadline for submitting the 2023-24 Quality Club Award application is Friday, July 5, 2024. We have extended the deadline significantly due to a combination of factors: the delay in posting the QCA application to the new FJMC website; regional retreats scheduled in mid-to-late June; and the addition of the mandatory Inclusion Initiative Activities requirement. This extension can not be repeated next year due to the scheduled FJMC Convention, and it is unlikely that we will have such a late deadline again in the foreseeable future. All applications must be received by the deadline to be considered for the award. Sometimes clubs have completed all the criteria, but fail to submit their application, and thus are not considered for the award. Please don’t be one of those clubs–get your applications in on time!!!
We believe that every club should receive recognition for the great work that they do in their congregation and communities. We encourage you to look over the award requirements. If your club is functioning well, you have most likely meet many, if not all, of the criteria. If you are missing any, we suggest that you add programs to your agenda to fulfill the requirement. Winning the award will bring with it a great sense of accomplishment and pride which will be a tremendous asset to your club.
There is a tremendous amount of information available at about programs which may be used to help fulfill the requirements. If you have any questions or comments, please contact the Quality Club Award Committee at anytime and we’ll be happy to help.
Steven Silverstone, Co-Chair, Quality Club Award Committee
Scott Vineberg, Co-Chair, Quality Club Award Committee