2013 Torch Award Winners

Category Club Number Program Name
124 Hearing Men’s Voices: Removing the Stigma – Mental Health Issues
337 Non Caregiver Dementia Support Group
226 Scott Kopen Family Fitness Night
148 Safe Jewish Homes: We Need to Talk About It
301 Being a Jewish Role Model
124 Plumbing and Waste Management for Men
126 Lag B’Omer Bonfire and Archery Extravaganza
273 Build (and Blow) a Shofar
59 Scotch and Steak in the Sukkah
126 Steak N Scotch and a taste of Talmud in the Sukkah
298 Minyan & Munch
38 Sukkahfest in the Sukkah
148 Budapest, Hungary and Temple Israel (Sharon, Mass) Brotherhood Collaboration
162 Heart and Head Health Forum
400 Turning Shabbat Conversations into Hearing Men’s Voices
148 Defiance
59 Jewish Mens Voices – Health & Wellness and Beyond
305 Home Sukkah Kits for Seaboard FJMC
288 Ganizah: Ceremony for Burial of Prayer Books and Other Jewish Artifacts
Best Overall Programming 44 Overall Best Programming
46 Best Overall Activities
202 Calendar of Activities for 2012-2013
396 Temple Sinai Men’s Club
215 Best Overall Activities
38 Best Overall Programming
Club Administration 128 Succession Planning
400 Original Comedy Show
301 Invasion of the Singing Terps
148 The Jewish Root of the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
34 Todd Abitz Memorial Golf Tournament
218 70th Anniversary Gala Luncheon
202 The HPCT-CAE Men’s Club Online Social Network
148 Auction Kickoff
41 Brotherhood Catering
FJMC – other 390 Interregional Club Collaboration
337 Take Me Out to the Ball Game – Jewish Heritage Day
60 Sunnybrook Hospital Shabbat Services
376 Walking G-d’s Paths – An Interfaith Dialogue between Catholics and Jews
137 Men’s Day
51 Boys’ Night Out
256 Steak in the Sukkah
220 Triple Header Breakfast
44 L’Chaim Fund – Support of Ravid Sulam
390 Jewish Muslim Relations
221 Bikor Cholim
Hearing Men’s Voices,Hebrew Programming 124 Rosh U
Israel / Masorti 38 Israel Inside: How a Small Nation Makes a Big Difference
148 FJMC Programs – World Wide Wrap
128 Israel/Masorti Olami Program
141 Roots in Israel
Keruv 38 Educating Our Children: Embracing Judaism & Celebrating Diversity
Men’s Club Shabbat 134 Men’s Club Shabbat
146 Men’s Club Shabbat ‘Bar Mitzvah’
Non-FJMC Program 38 Documentary Film on Anti-Semistism “The Bystanders” – with Adam Dimanshteyn
38 “A December to Remember” – Chinese Food and Movies on 12/25
190 Family fued Game
282 Family in Need Project
38 Brunch & Political Forum with CT Candidates for U.S. Senate
328 Jewish Community Fishing Trip
165 Coffee House
88 Veteran’s Shabbat
44 Super Bowl Party
Programming for Young Men 60 2013 Jews in Baseball
60 Beer and Food Pairing
146 Photo Booth for Potental Members
390 Brotherhood Youth Program
337 Liquor Tasting Classes
338 Torah Trekking
387 Family Campout / Camping
390 Jewish History – Twelve Ounces At A Time
Shomrei Ha’aretz 342 Torah Walk in Oleta State Park
38 A Tu B’Shevat Weekend: Jews Working the Land
97 Synagogue-wide Recycling Program
301 Annual Gleaning for the Poor
World Wide Wrap 41 World Wide Wrap 13
38 Tefillin Educating Students
148 FJMC Programs – World Wide Wrap
124 Tefillin Cheat Sheet
298 World Wide Wrap
Yom HaShoah / Yellow Candle 318 Remember A Child
38 Faith and Destiny with Rabbi Philip Lazowski
148 Project D – Remembering a Jewish Town in Belarus
273 Expanding Yom HaShoah Yellow Candle Program To Non-Jewish Organizations
146 Yom HaShoah 3G Program
248 Yom Hashoah Yellow Candle Program – Holocaust Rem

embrance Day

38 Yellow candle Distribution and Marketing
376 Holocaust Memorial Garden Renewal Project
Youth Programming 44 Father/Daughter – Mother/Son Dance
263 Helping Scouts earn their Religious Awards
226 Latke Making with the Religious School
260 7th Grade Religious School Tefillin Initiative
390 Brotherhood Veterans Day Program